Archive for pixels

Bombarded by Pixels

Posted in Blog, Poetry, social media, writing with tags , , , , , , , , on April 9, 2009 by dustus

It is true that I feel blessed being able to live my dream as an online artist–at least that’s the possible self-delusion regarding my own gigantic ego and over-estimation of the quality of my writing. Nonetheless, time will tell in this new digital communicative world of instant feedback.  The jury of my peers still deliberate.  Meanwhile, I’ve taken the seismic leap into this sea with both feet.

In these technological waters I choose to wade because I enjoy sharing my work.

Though at times I experience moments when I feel “bombarded by pixels,” I relish the complete freedom and enjoyment of publishing my own art!

Bombarded by Pixels

Is it so unusual?
This world of computer visuals
Upon which we’ve come to rely
Pixels, vectors, social media, life

Checking my email a thousand times
During the course of a day
Feeling bombarded by pixels
Learning creatively
While communicating every day