This Old House

Old panel peeling, crumbling grout
Echoes through my abandoned house
See through it clear, this starter dream
Floorboards curl, their splinters sting

Care for a reading?


One Shot Wednesday
Post a poem, & share feedback.
*Sign Up begins at 5 pm EST today!
I am the host this week!

88 Responses to “This Old House”

  1. I like the tactile quality of this Adam – the echoes and the splinters stinging like you walked back in your dreams:)

  2. Hi Lynda. I’ve had the book on my mind lately. Glad the feeling for it comes through in the poem. cheers 🙂

  3. I must agree with Lynda that the poem has a real tactile quality to it…a vivid image of the house…enjoyed it.

  4. Adam, I read it, and then I listened to it while I read it again. The words are the same, but the sounds and the emphasis add a kind of clarity. Nice one.

    • I’ve changed the way i approach poems when I know I’m going to read them. Takes some tweaking from page to mic. It’s an enjoyable change for me. never used to read my work, Glynn. Starting to enjoy dong so.

  5. signed .............bkm Says:

    a starter dream…I think every house I have had is a starter dream…where I never wake up….great write…bkm

  6. Wow..i love the sound of echoes in your lines Adam, hearing them in your voice rendered this piece quite fascinating..Great one shot buddy! 😉

  7. Such a beautiful dream! An incredible challenge and an incredible poem.

  8. Such a simple yet effective poem.
    You definitely captued the feel of an old creaky house

  9. Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I greatly enjoyed your poem. A first for me to hear a poet speak. Love the voice, clear and concise; giving more insight and meaning to the piece. I could actually visualize and feel the imagery. Wonderful metaphors.

  10. you evoke great imagery quickly dustus…it feel familiar and i am there…nice one shot….enjoyed the listen as well. thanks for being a wonderful host this week~!

  11. Nice. I feel the vision in the sound and sense 🙂

  12. great imagery in a few lines…love the echos and even the splinters! Feel like I’ve walked through that house!

  13. I am actually pictured myself walking into this old house:D, wonderful vision!=D~ the sounds everything was so clear to me=P Wonderfully written!:3

  14. Adam…
    I read it, then listened.
    This is Great stuff.
    I love em Short and sweet!

  15. Great imagery Adam…your artistry is unending!!! Hugs xx

  16. betweenhearts75 Says:

    Fantastic as always Adam, I so love the very descriptive words. Your words already give such a beautiful sense of restructuring to this house. Simply beautiful! ~April 🙂

    • April, you’ve always written well, but I find your work getting even better each time I visit. cheers

      • betweenhearts75 Says:

        You are far too sweet to me Adam, thank you. Trying to invite a fresh change to the writing and getting inspired to do so. Working on a story as well and posted the first Chapter last night on my blog also! FUN!!! 🙂 ~ One of the things I do love about your writing is also held in the reading. I have a funny Massachusetts accent, and not so well for reading aloud, lol. 🙂 Its always a wonderful experience to come here, read/and “feel” the sense of your work. ~April

  17. times i feel like this house…

    like the wistful feel of longing for the past and mourning yet accepting the ravages of time

  18. Hearing the groan of the floor bearing weight of years…

  19. dustus, this was lovely. I live in an old house and you captured an old house’s essence beautifully.

  20. Loved listening to the words and sounds of this lovely poem Adam, the feel stuck with me more despite loving the words as well. Nicely done always enjoy reading you as well 🙂

  21. Julliette, your writing always shows great skill across many different types of posts you share. cheers 🙂

  22. Just about the right words needed to paint the picture your poem intends to…well done, my friend.

    P.s I’m glad to be available today while you host, never been present when you host. Have a beautiful half week.


  23. You’re awesome, Em. Enjoy the work. Been reading some great poetry all night. I’ll be back in a few hours for more. Cheers, bro

  24. And then I heard an old door creak open….
    Eerie … but I am guessing that’s exactly how you wanted it to be!

    On a serious note, I see the analogy… and it’s simply brilliant!!
    You really are getting to be the king of few words now, Adam!! You rock!! 🙂

  25. How nice to be able to hear you read your work!

  26. Oh, I could almost physically feel those splinters. And “this starter dream” — takes on a whole new meaning in this current home-buying nightmare. You manage to pack a range of emotions in so few lines. Impressive, Adam. A pleasure to read. Thanks for sharing.

    • Hi Belinda. Thanks. My starter dream has been my 2nd novel; to me it became more important than any place. Ah, the naivete of this novelist. lol Cheers

  27. A house with! great one shot 🙂

  28. Hi River. The house may have multiple personalities. lol

  29. The “crumbling grout” gives this a really tactile feel. Nice!

  30. perfect picture. just splendid.

  31. Very elegant write Adam. Love and Light, Sender

  32. Floorboards curl…

    Yet I love old house. So much of memories, feelings, emotions..

    wonderful verse!

    nowhere island

  33. Minimal and effective. Nice one, Dustus!

  34. You paint a vivid picture of this house for us, characterizing in what might have taken others twice the lines or more. Good work – though I don’t think I would want to live there!…by which I mean, I already live there. Silly college life.

  35. Adam:

    I love how you added your voice and read your poem, listening to you recite, and where you placed the emphasis give it an extra dimension.

    You could possibly be a Tanka — I didn’t count the syllables but I bet it was close. Although many writers of English-language doing a tanka use less than 31 syllables


  36. Ah, the joys of home renovation. You do a good job of describing, in just a few words, the character of that old house.

  37. And the smell of the wood…. I always remember this when I think of my great-aunt-who-raised-me’s house. You have captured the feel so well here, Adam. Happy One-Shot Wednesday! 🙂 heartspell

  38. Adam. This work so compact – true poem where each word carries so much meaning/emotion/levels. The effect of nostalgia, longing, and realizing your lives in that “starter” were snagged on those splinters. Excellent. Gay (@beachanny)

  39. hi ya adam…finally made it…a great start to a wonderful much well written…so you..excellent mate..cheers pete

  40. Good afternoon,

    a complete story within a few words,
    very bittersweet emotions about your old house.
    beautiful job!

  41. loved this adam, high on imagery, good smooth lines 🙂

  42. short piece but many memories (good & bad)

  43. Old houses are gifts to mine, and what you do here in so few words is just wonderful.

    I so enjoy hearing poetry read aloud; to hear, if this can be said, the voice in the poet’s head while the poem was being written. You have a very good reading voice.

  44. Hope all is well. You are doing amazing work. Stay happy. Stay well. “)

  45. Dear Adam,
    I loved reading this but I loved listening to the words being read better! Four little lines conjuring a century old abandoned dilapidated house. Amazing unassuming unpretentious work!

  46. Regardless of the shape they are in, old houses speak. I like this, Adam.

  47. Someone Is Special Says:

    I love it.. Hope everything goes well.. Happy One SHot..

    –Someone Is Special–

  48. you have a way to create such a lot of atmosphere in a few words – love it!

  49. LOVE the reading! What a great idea! Lovely verse.

  50. Good work Dustus !! loved this 🙂

  51. Hi Dustus, very good poem about the old house. Really creepy and dreamlike – my opinion anyway.

    Best wishes,


  52. This is wonderful and brought back memories of the first little home that we had to give a major “face-lift.”

  53. OMG, I love this. I played the audio and got goosebumps.
    This is my first shot at One Stop Wednesday, oh the fun I had.
    I thank you down to my marrow for this, much appreciation to you!

  54. Wonderful use of meter here. It really flows well.

  55. Thanks, Bill.

    Appreciate Everyone’s comments.
    An amazing One Shot Wednesday!

  56. I loved this poem. Is it a beginning or end for the old house? It could be interpreted both ways. Great One Shot!

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