A Cerebral Heart to Share

Cerebral Heart Inspiration Award:
I had to do this. Here it is…Β  Ta-da!
My attempt to create a blog award.
In my opinion, the nature of blogging and the community it inspires is inclusive, and thus encouraging.Β  My intention for this award is that it begin with ten individuals, to then be passed to others.


Accept this and please share it. However you do / is up to you

I would like to present the first cerebral hearts to kseverny, beth, shakira, doraz, Jingle, Martin, Megz, Leslie Moon, Leslie Paints, and William.

32 Responses to “A Cerebral Heart to Share”

  1. wwooowwwiiiiiieeesssssssss……..
    thats a superb award adam.. it looks superfantabulous..
    awww..gee… im being presented with it..
    thankksss a ton dear… loved it..

  2. Adam,
    you amaze me,
    what lovely creation!
    I will be glad to take it and share…

    take care,
    you are the best!

  3. Thank-you, Adam. Your award is wonderful! Combining heart, thought and inspiration!

  4. doubtfulpoet Says:

    Thanks ever so much! It’s wonderful!! All poetry is a work of heart πŸ˜€

  5. Adam- I’m impressed been wondering about the award thing too.
    You are such a wonderful encouraging guy.
    I gladly accept this “Dustus” award

  6. Jingle thank you so much for this beautiful heart’s award. You are so kind and caring. I love you Jingle.

  7. Glad to see this. Thanks everyone for the kind words about the award. These comments are awesome and much appreciated πŸ™‚

    Enjoy the award and share nice lol

  8. thankyou adam.
    Thats very good of you

  9. This is great, on your part.

    Congrats to your nominees.

  10. this is simply awesome. lovely. congratulation to all the recipients.

    with lots of affection,

  11. Thanks so much for this Adam…I shall pass it on very soon thank you again!

  12. πŸ™‚ Yay! Congrats all!

  13. Lovely award, it’s the thought behind it that makes it special πŸ˜‰

  14. […] just yesterday I was given theΒ Cerebral Heart inspiration award by dearest Adam.. thank you sooo much […]

  15. CONGRATS to you. You are sooo creative a writer. I am happy to share this wonderful award with all of you! Thank you! I am placing it in my “special gifts” page on my blog! πŸ™‚ Have a fun rest of the week now!

  16. Thanks, I will. You too! Enjoy!

  17. I see your braaaain!! πŸ™‚

    That is one cool award graphic!! You are talented in many ways!


  18. Hey Jannie! I enjoy creating graphics πŸ™‚ fun stuff!

  19. I have been so busy and distracted today… I saw your award…and I thought how handsome! Thank you so much , Adam. I really like this so much. You are such a JOY! I heart you! hugs, shakira

  20. Congrats & Enjoy! πŸ™‚

  21. That will win their hearts and minds! πŸ˜‰

  22. […] award wuz kreayted by owr frend dustus!!! dustus attachd no roolz to this award so i wood like to pass it to my frend daisy the dog for […]

  23. The above link is a really funny cartoon by Dennisβ€”a great award show!

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