Through Good and Bad Times (for week 8 rally)

I accept Jingle’s Week 8 Thursday Poetry Rally award with gratitude. As for my submission, I offer the poem “Through Good and Bad Times.”Β  Also, I wish to nominate Yousei because I enjoy reading great haiku. Thanks for letting me take part in the festivities. Special thanks to Jingle. Congrats Yousei!

Through Good and Bad Times

Sometimes defensive
Perhaps critically mean
Some words I say
Sound strange
To me

Dreams will be
So far to see
Like nursery rhymes
Being lulled into sleep

Not subtle lines
Won’t make you think
No need to reread
Nor question deep

While figuring out
What’s real from what seems
Through good and bad times
Listen when your heart speaks

Thank you πŸ™‚

53 Responses to “Through Good and Bad Times (for week 8 rally)”


    I really like that line,
    “What’s real from what seems”
    so true.

    Happy Thursday!





  2. incredible poem!
    you have said what I wish to say in a poetic way!

    congratulations on the award,
    thank you for the nomination!

  3. […]…(his Rally post, ) […]

  4. Once again you’ve changed the dance steps and made words move in such a provocative order. Fascinating. Thank you for the nomination. Poetry Rally awards may become the exception to my 3 awards a month rule. I accept. πŸ™‚

  5. Thanks for accepting, Yousei πŸ™‚ and thanks for the nice compliment as well.

  6. suzicate Says:

    Absolutely beautiful and true…listening to your heart is the only way to live! And thanks for dropping by my blog yesterday…now I’ve posted my poem for this week.

  7. You have done an amazingly beautiful job!
    the poem matches the award,
    all together,
    it is magical!


  8. Happy Thursday!
    I am excited about your participation and acceptance of the week 8 award.
    you are well deserved!
    cheers, πŸ˜‰

    • Thanks for organizing this week, in addition to all the others. You help everyone, and know that you are appreciated πŸ™‚ A Happy Thurs. to you too!

  9. moondustwriter Says:

    What can I say? any words would sound strange to me
    A deep *Ahhhhhhh* accompanied by amazement on my face will have to suffice my friend.
    Enjoy that well deserved award πŸ™‚

  10. yip- i agree- nowadays people seldom listen to their heart..

  11. It’s difficult to hear it with ear buds stuck in your ears. Oh, wait a second…. I’m guilty of that. Never mind lol

  12. Always good to listen to the heart.
    You’ll find mine here.

  13. Excellent. I’ve never tried flash fiction, and I noticed there is plenty of it on your site. Thanks. I’ll be back there soon to read a bunch.

  14. so brilliantly written… well deserved awrd.. congratz…
    /Through good and bad times
    Listen when your heart speaks// that is so true and so beautifully penned…
    very thoughful write…

  15. shoelessboywonder Says:

    Well Well, first time to your blog I like what I see, good job and good luck to you for the rally, also I write evil nursery rhymes if you would like to check them out though a few will make you wise not to fall asleep ‘:P. Seriously good work keep it up

  16. Thanks. Evil nursery rhymes sound intriguing. I’ll definitely check them out. Looking forward to it πŸ™‚ Appreciate you stopping by.

  17. To stay true to oneself even in bad times is sometimes difficult. Good reassurance that when all else fails, my heart won’t.



  18. “When all else fails, my heart won’t” To learn that lesson is certainly difficult, and it makes a difference in lives. Your statement makes me think of one maintaining dignity and self-respect through bad times. Great comment. Thank you!

  19. good entry Adam, deep poem πŸ™‚

  20. Thanks, William πŸ™‚

  21. OMG…This morning in the gym I had this discussion with young woman…well almost everyone is young in my eyes…about her teenage son and how she had lashed out at him this morning…and how she was regretting it now and how she had aplogized to him…we spent the whole time talking about this issue and your poem deals with this very concept….excellent…again!

    • Coincidence, I think not. lol Those years are rough in general. Kids deal with so many pressures today, complex situations and troubles I never knew growing up. Teaching opened my eyes to so many problems you don’t really hear about. I hope everything works out with them.


  22. a sweet yet simple message, your poem conveys. i found it inspiring ~

  23. Beautyful poem,my friend!
    Congratulations both for the award πŸ™‚

    Awards for you here:

    Enjoy the moment!!!

  24. Thank you! πŸ™‚ For both the kind comment and Sweet Blog! award.

  25. Emotions do run deep. πŸ™‚ Good one!

  26. I think you’re right about that, Doraz. Thanks

  27. Congratulations. Love the poem

  28. Leaves poem smiling and humming “Listen To Your Heart, by Heart. Nancy Wilson, right?

    8 weeks — well done!

    Jingle is an angel. Who is that mystery soul, anyway? Ah, but it doesn’t really matter, anyway, who she is. All that counts is she IS.


  29. True.. always listen to the heart..
    This is an amazing post Adam πŸ™‚
    I loved it.. Congrats for the Perfect poet award .. you deserve it.

  30. Week 9 Poets’ Rally Participants, You Deserve An Award (Pick one)

    I know many people got tired, simply letting you know that you are appreciated…

    Happy Friday!

  31. LOL I found one of your messages marked as spam 😦
    TGIF! This was fun. Anytime. I’m here.
    Have a great day πŸ™‚

  32. congratulations for the award.

    lovely poem.

  33. doubtfulpoet Says:

    Lol I think my messages are spamming too. Silly wordpress. Listen to your heart and it won’t lead you astray. Good thinking I wholeheartedly agree. And as an aside American idol-oh my god…

  34. LOL Did something happen on AI? I haven’t seen an episode in a long time, though I still stand by what I said. ha ha Hope you’re having a fantastic weekend! πŸ™‚

  35. nice. sorry i missed you on the rally…listen to your heart, filter with your mind…

  36. no worries. Have a great weekend!

  37. I loved this piece, a fantastic message “Listen when your heart speaks”
    a wonderful read thank you πŸ™‚

  38. […] an award for poetry, the main purpose of my blog, is a good exception.Β  Thank you to Dustus of The Dustus BlogΒ for the nomination at last week’s Thursday Poets’ Rally.Β  Thank you Jingle for the […]

  39. beautifully said.

  40. TY πŸ™‚

  41. Really good!!! Just listen when your heart speaks,wonderful advice!!! Have a good evening Dustus πŸ˜€

  42. Appreciate that πŸ™‚ You have a good evening as well! Thanks.

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